- Cama-i, quyana tailuci!
- (Central Yup’ik)
- "Greetings, thank you for coming!"
Alaska 21st CCLC External Organization Partner Pool
About the Partner Pool
In order to increase the capacity of Alaska's communities to offer high-quality 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) applications and programs, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires the Alaska Department of Education & Early Development (DEED) to make available a list of potential Alaska non-profit "external organizations" that 21st CCLC applicants may be interested in partnering with when building a 21st CCLC out-of-school-time program. Community partnerships within 21st CCLC programs are strongly encouraged as they have the potential to increase program quality, variety, and sustainability. The term "partnerships" in this instance is used loosely and may involve for-pay contracted services, in-kind services, etc.
Organization | Web Address | Organization Profile Information | Date Good Standing Status Checked | License Renewal Date |
Alaska Aviation Museum | Alaska Aviation Profile (docx) | 3.14.24 |
7.2.25 |
Boys & Girls Clubs Alaska | Boys & Girls Clubs Profile (docx) | 3.14.24 |
7.2.25 |
Brightways Learning | Brightways Learning Profile (docx) | 3.14.24 |
7.2.25 |
Center for Alaska Coastal Studies | akcoastalstudies.org | Center for Alaska Coastal Studies Profile (docx) | 8.30.24 |
7.2.26 |
Fairbanks Children’s Museum | Fairbanks Children's Museum Profile (docx) | 8.30.24 |
7.2.26 |
JEDC's FIRST in Alaska | jedc.org/firstinalaska | JEDC's FIRST in Alaska Profile (docx) | 3.14.24 |
7.2.25 |
Junior Achievement of Alaska, Inc. | alaska.ja.org | Junior Achievement of Alaska Profile (docx) | 3.14.24 |
7.2.25 |
Renewable Energy Alaska Project (REAP) | REAP Profile (docx) | 3.14.24 |
7.2.25 |
SERRC | serrc.org | SERRC Profile (docx) | 3.14.24 |
7.2.25 |
Spirit of Youth | Spirit of Youth Profile (docx) | 3.14.24 | 7.2.25 | |
Thread | Thread Profile (docx) | 3.14.24 |
7.2.25 |
External Organizations will be added to the Partner Pool on a rolling basis, so please check back.
Please note: Inclusion of an organization in the Alaska 21st CCLC External Organization Partner Pool does not prohibit the organization from being a 21st CCLC main applicant or joint applicant. Similarly, an organization DOES NOT need to appear on this list in order to be eligible to apply for an Alaska 21st grant as a main applicant or to serve as a formal or informal partner on a grant application. The resource list is primarily (an ESSA required) courtesy to help applicants be aware of the variety of Alaska non-profits who may have the interest and capacity to partner with them.
When including an organization on the list, DEED cannot ensure the organization will be invited to partner, nor can it guarantee the quality of the organization’s services. 21st CCLC grant applicants interested in partnering with an organization are encouraged to use the submitted/provided information to research the accomplishments, capacity, and history of the organization before entering a partnership.