- Cama-i, quyana tailuci!
- (Central Yup’ik)
- "Greetings, thank you for coming!"
Alaska Standards and Instruction
Content standards outline the skills and knowledge expected of students from grade to grade and subject to subject. In addition to the Academic Standards adopted by the state of Alaska, DEED has developed a wide variety of training materials and other resources for educators and administrators across the state, linked below. For more information related to the standards, please visit one of the associated webpages.
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Please click to register your email for updates and regarding standards, professional development, and other important related information for specific content areas.
Alaska Content Standards and Associated Webpages
English Language Arts
- English Language Arts Standards (2012)
- For more information and resources, visit English Language Arts
- Mathematics Standards (2012)
- For more information and resources, visit Mathematics
- Science Standards of Alaska (2019)
- For more information and resources, visit Science
Social Studies
- Social Studies (2024)
English Language Proficiency Standards
- WIDA English Language Development Proficiency Standards (2020)
- For more information and resources, visit
- English Language Proficiency and English Learner Education & Title III-A
Alaska Cultural Standards
- Alaska Cultural Standards (1998)
- For more information, visit Alaska Cultural Standards
- Alaska Arts Standards (2015)
- For more information, visit Alaska State Council on the Arts
Computer Science and Digital Literacy
- Computer Science (2019)
- Digital Literacy (2019)
- For more information, visit Computer Science and the Digital Literacy
CTE: Employability
- Employability Standards (2006)
- For more information, visit Career and Technical Education
Early Childhood
- Early Learning Guidelines (2019)
- Early Education Program Standards (2023)
- For more information, visit Early Learning Programs
Library and Information Standards
- Alaska Library Standards (2020)
- For more information, visit Libraries, Archives, and Museums
Physical Education and Health
- Skills for a Healthy Life (2006)
- Physical Education Standards (2010)
- For more information, visit School Health
World Languages
- World Languages (2006)
- Alaska Native Language Arts K-3 Reading Standards (2024)
- For more information, visit World/Alaska Language & Cultural Connections
- Alaska Seal of Biliteracy
Standards and Assessment Administrator
ELA / Social Studies Content Specialist
Curtis Jensen
(907) 465-2830
Math / Science Content Specialist
Ryia Waldern
(907) 465-2824