- Cama-i, quyana tailuci!
- (Central Yup’ik)
- "Greetings, thank you for coming!"
Readiness Phase
How do you get ready? (Readiness Phase)
This section helps districts assess their capacity to address problem behaviors using the Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support (SW-PBS) framework. By completing these readiness documents the district has the opportunity to develop the necessary infrastructure at the administrative level and determine if SW-PBS will be implemented on a building or district-wide basis. Each district is encouraged to complete the following items prior to scheduling or receiving any school SW-PBS training. Being ready helps to promote positive outcomes and allows your district/school to participate fully in implementing SWPBS with fidelity.

- SW-PBS Readiness Introduction Letter To Administrator (word)
- SW-PBS Team Infrastructure Graphic (word)
- SW-PBS Team Infrastructure Narrative (word)
- SW-PBS School Profile (word)
- District Leadership Team Roster (word)
- SW-PBS District Readiness Checklist (word)
- School Leadership Team Roster (word)
- SW-PBS School Administrative Questionnaire (word)
- SW-PBS School Readiness Checklist (word)
- PBIS Assessment Coordinator Information & Form (word)
- SW-PBS Staff Introduction (powerpoint)
- Parent Orientation (word)