- Cama-i, quyana tailuci!
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Science Standards
Science Standards by grade or course
Grade Level |
Standards |
All grades, front matter |
Kindergarten |
1st Grade |
2nd Grade |
3rd Grade |
4th Grade |
5th Grade |
Middle School Physical Science |
Middle School Life Science |
Middle School Earth and Space Science |
High School Physical Science |
High School Life Science |
High School Earth and Space Science |
- How to read the standards (docx)
- Frequently Asked Questions (docx)
- Connections to other subjects (docx)
- District Science Standards Planning Guide (pdf, word)
- Science Phase Placement Survey (pdf)
- SIPS: science curriculum for 5th-8th grade
- National Science Teaching Association (NSTA)
- Alaska Science Teachers Association (ASTA)
- Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching Resources
Introductory Webinar Series
- Introductory Webinar, January 27 – slide deck pdf, slide deck pptx, recording
- Grades K-2 Webinar, February 3 – slide deck pdf, slide deck pptx, recording
- Grades 3-5 Webinar, February 10 – slide deck pdf, slide deck pptx, recording
- Grades 6-8 Webinar, February 5 – slide deck pdf, slide deck pptx, recording
- Grades 9-12 Webinar, February 12 – slide deck pdf, slide deck pptx, recording
Special Education
Sites of Interest
National NGSS links
- Framework for Leading Next Generation Science Standards Implementation
- NGSS Alignment Claims: How Publishers Talk About the Next Generation Science Standards
- Primary Evaluation of Essential Criteria (PEEC) for Next Generation Science Standards Instructional Materials Design
- Next Generation Science Standards District Implementation Workbook
Matrices of Connections
Educators Toolbox
Science Standards for Alaska (SSA) to Alaska ELA/Math Standards Connections
Planning for alternate instruction in the 2020-2021 school year
- Teacher Primer for the Science Standards for Alaska (docx)
- Alaska Science GLEs to Science Standards for Alaska Crosswalk (docx)
- Performance Expectations - PE (docx)
- Science and Engineering Practices - SEP (docx)
- Disciplinary Core Ideas - DCI (docx)
- Crosscutting Concepts - CCC (docx)
- Incorporating Phenomena in Developing Learning Activities (docx)
The K-12 Science Standards for Alaska support learning and understanding through sense making and investigations associated with scientific phenomena in life science, physical science, earth and space science, and engineering and technology. Crosscutting concepts, an organizational framework for connecting knowledge from the diverse science disciplines into a coherent and scientifically based view of the world, are included in the standards. Science and engineering practices, Alaska Standards for Culturally Responsive Schools, and evidence-based reasoning are also included.
The Alaska Science Assessment is administered to students in grades 5, 8, and 10.
Not all standards will appear on the Alaska Science Assessment. The Science Standards for Alaska that are to be locally assessed in each grade band are defined here: PDF and Excel Spreadsheet (XLS)
For more information, please visit the Alaska Science Assessment page.